QGIS API Documentation 3.41.0-Master (d2aaa9c6e02)
This is the complete list of members for QgsImageOperation, including all inherited members.
adjustBrightnessContrast(QImage &image, int brightness, double contrast, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
adjustHueSaturation(QImage &image, double saturation, const QColor &colorizeColor=QColor(), double colorizeStrength=1.0, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
convertToGrayscale(QImage &image, GrayscaleMode mode=GrayscaleLuminosity, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
cropTransparent(const QImage &image, QSize minSize=QSize(), bool center=false) | QgsImageOperation | static |
distanceTransform(QImage &image, const QgsImageOperation::DistanceTransformProperties &properties, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
FlipHorizontal enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
flipImage(QImage &image, FlipType type) | QgsImageOperation | static |
FlipType enum name | QgsImageOperation | |
FlipVertical enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
gaussianBlur(QImage &image, int radius, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
GrayscaleAverage enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
GrayscaleLightness enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
GrayscaleLuminosity enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
GrayscaleMode enum name | QgsImageOperation | |
GrayscaleOff enum value | QgsImageOperation | |
multiplyOpacity(QImage &image, double factor, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |
nonTransparentImageRect(const QImage &image, QSize minSize=QSize(), bool center=false) | QgsImageOperation | static |
overlayColor(QImage &image, const QColor &color) | QgsImageOperation | static |
stackBlur(QImage &image, int radius, bool alphaOnly=false, QgsFeedback *feedback=nullptr) | QgsImageOperation | static |