QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (ebb4087afc0)
This is the complete list of members for QgsLayoutReportContext, including all inherited members.
changed() | QgsLayoutReportContext | signal |
currentGeometry(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs=QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()) const | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
feature() const | QgsLayoutReportContext | inline |
layer() const | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
layerChanged(QgsVectorLayer *layer) | QgsLayoutReportContext | signal |
predefinedScales() const | QgsLayoutReportContext | inline |
QgsLayoutExporter | QgsLayoutReportContext | friend |
QgsLayoutReportContext(QgsLayout *layout) | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
setFeature(const QgsFeature &feature) | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
setLayer(QgsVectorLayer *layer) | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
setPredefinedScales(const QVector< qreal > &scales) | QgsLayoutReportContext | |
TestQgsLayout | QgsLayoutReportContext | friend |