QGIS API Documentation 3.43.0-Master (ebb4087afc0)
This is the complete list of members for QgsProfileGenerationContext, including all inherited members.
convertDistanceToPixels(double size, Qgis::RenderUnit unit) const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | |
distanceRange() const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
dpi() const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
elevationRange() const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
mapUnitsPerDistancePixel() const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
maximumErrorMapUnits() const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
operator!=(const QgsProfileGenerationContext &other) const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | |
operator==(const QgsProfileGenerationContext &other) const | QgsProfileGenerationContext | |
setDistanceRange(const QgsDoubleRange &range) | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
setDpi(double dpi) | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
setElevationRange(const QgsDoubleRange &range) | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
setMapUnitsPerDistancePixel(double units) | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |
setMaximumErrorMapUnits(double error) | QgsProfileGenerationContext | inline |