17#include "moc_qgspointcloudlayerchunkloader_p.cpp"
34#include <QtConcurrent>
35#if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK( 6, 0, 0 )
36#include <Qt3DRender/QAttribute>
38#include <Qt3DCore/QAttribute>
40#include <Qt3DRender/QTechnique>
41#include <Qt3DRender/QShaderProgram>
42#include <Qt3DRender/QGraphicsApiFilter>
const QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory *factory, QgsChunkNode *node, std::unique_ptr<QgsPointCloud3DSymbol> symbol,
const QgsCoordinateTransform &coordinateTransform,
double zValueScale,
double zValueOffset )
51 : QgsChunkLoader( node )
53 , mContext( factory->mRenderContext, coordinateTransform, std::move( symbol ), zValueScale, zValueOffset )
58 const QgsChunkNodeId nodeId = node->tileId();
61 Q_ASSERT( pc.
hasNode( pcNode ) );
63 QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral(
"loading entity %1" ).arg( node->tileId().text() ), 2 );
65 if ( mContext.symbol()->symbolType() == QLatin1String(
"single-color" ) )
66 mHandler.reset(
new QgsSingleColorPointCloud3DSymbolHandler() );
67 else if ( mContext.symbol()->symbolType() == QLatin1String(
"color-ramp" ) )
68 mHandler.reset(
new QgsColorRampPointCloud3DSymbolHandler() );
69 else if ( mContext.symbol()->symbolType() == QLatin1String(
"rgb" ) )
70 mHandler.reset(
new QgsRGBPointCloud3DSymbolHandler() );
71 else if ( mContext.symbol()->symbolType() == QLatin1String(
"classification" ) )
73 mHandler.reset(
new QgsClassificationPointCloud3DSymbolHandler() );
81 mFutureWatcher =
new QFutureWatcher<void>(
this );
82 connect( mFutureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished,
this, &QgsChunkQueueJob::finished );
84 const QgsBox3D box3D = node->box3D();
85 const QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run( [pc, pcNode, box3D,
this] {
86 const QgsEventTracing::ScopedEvent e( QStringLiteral(
"3D" ), QStringLiteral(
"PC chunk load" ) );
88 if ( mContext.isCanceled() )
95 mHandler->processNode( pc2, pcNode, mContext );
97 if ( mContext.isCanceled() )
103 if ( mContext.symbol()->renderAsTriangles() )
104 mHandler->triangulate( pc2, pcNode, mContext, box3D );
108 mFutureWatcher->setFuture( future );
113 if ( mFutureWatcher && !mFutureWatcher->isFinished() )
115 disconnect( mFutureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished,
this, &QgsChunkQueueJob::finished );
116 mContext.cancelRendering();
117 mFutureWatcher->waitForFinished();
121void QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoader::cancel()
123 mContext.cancelRendering();
126Qt3DCore::QEntity *QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoader::createEntity( Qt3DCore::QEntity *parent )
129 const QgsChunkNodeId nodeId = mNode->tileId();
131 Q_ASSERT( pc.
hasNode( pcNode ) );
133 Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity =
new Qt3DCore::QEntity( parent );
134 mHandler->finalize( entity, mContext );
142 : mRenderContext( context )
143 , mCoordinateTransform( coordinateTransform )
144 , mPointCloudIndex( pc )
145 , mZValueScale( zValueScale )
146 , mZValueOffset( zValueOffset )
147 , mPointBudget( pointBudget )
149 mSymbol.reset( symbol );
158 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Transformation of extent failed." ) );
162QgsChunkLoader *QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory::createChunkLoader( QgsChunkNode *node )
164 const QgsChunkNodeId
id = node->tileId();
168 return new QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoader(
this, node, std::unique_ptr<QgsPointCloud3DSymbol>( symbol ), mCoordinateTransform, mZValueScale, mZValueOffset );
171int QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory::primitivesCount( QgsChunkNode *node )
173 const QgsChunkNodeId
id = node->tileId();
175 Q_ASSERT( mPointCloudIndex.hasNode( n ) );
176 return mPointCloudIndex.getNode( n ).pointCount();
188 extentMin3D = extentTransform.
transform( extentMin3D );
189 extentMax3D = extentTransform.
transform( extentMax3D );
193 QgsDebugError( QStringLiteral(
"Error transforming node bounds coordinate" ) );
195 return QgsBox3D( extentMin3D.x(), extentMin3D.y(), extentMin3D.z(), extentMax3D.x(), extentMax3D.y(), extentMax3D.z() );
199QgsChunkNode *QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory::createRootNode()
201 const QgsPointCloudNode pcNode = mPointCloudIndex.getNode( mPointCloudIndex.root() );
203 QgsBox3D rootNodeBox3D = nodeBoundsToBox3D( rootNodeBounds, mCoordinateTransform, mZValueOffset, mZValueScale );
205 const float error = pcNode.
206 QgsChunkNode *node =
new QgsChunkNode( QgsChunkNodeId( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), rootNodeBox3D, error );
211QVector<QgsChunkNode *> QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory::createChildren( QgsChunkNode *node )
213 QVector<QgsChunkNode *> children;
214 const QgsChunkNodeId nodeId = node->tileId();
215 const float childError = node->error() / 2;
217 for (
int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
219 int dx = i & 1, dy = !!( i & 2 ), dz = !!( i & 4 );
220 const QgsChunkNodeId childId( nodeId.d + 1, nodeId.x * 2 + dx, nodeId.y * 2 + dy, nodeId.z * 2 + dz );
222 if ( !mPointCloudIndex.hasNode( childPcId ) )
226 if ( !mExtent.isEmpty() && !childBounds.
intersects( mExtent ) )
229 QgsBox3D childBox3D = nodeBoundsToBox3D( childBounds, mCoordinateTransform, mZValueOffset, mZValueScale );
231 QgsChunkNode *child =
new QgsChunkNode( childId, childBox3D, childError, node );
242 : QgsChunkedEntity( map, maximumScreenSpaceError, new QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory(
Qgs3DRenderContext::fromMapSettings( map ), coordinateTransform, pc, symbol, zValueScale, zValueOffset, pointBudget ), true, pointBudget )
244 setShowBoundingBoxes( showBoundingBoxes );
253QVector<QgsRayCastingUtils::RayHit> QgsPointCloudLayerChunkedEntity::rayIntersection(
const QgsRayCastingUtils::Ray3D &ray,
const QgsRayCastingUtils::RayCastContext &context )
255 QVector<QgsRayCastingUtils::RayHit> result;
256 QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory *factory =
static_cast<QgsPointCloudLayerChunkLoaderFactory *
>( mChunkLoaderFactory );
259 const QgsVector3D rayOriginMapCoords = factory->mRenderContext.worldToMapCoordinates( ray.origin() );
260 const QgsVector3D pointMapCoords = factory->mRenderContext.worldToMapCoordinates( ray.origin() + ray.origin().length() * ray.direction().normalized() );
261 QgsVector3D rayDirectionMapCoords = pointMapCoords - rayOriginMapCoords;
270 const double pointSize = symbol->
275 const double limitAngle = 2. * pointSize / screenSizePx * factory->mRenderContext.fieldOfView();
278 const QgsVector3D adjustedRayOrigin =
QgsVector3D( rayOriginMapCoords.x(), rayOriginMapCoords.y(), ( rayOriginMapCoords.z() - factory->mZValueOffset ) / factory->mZValueScale );
279 QgsVector3D adjustedRayDirection =
QgsVector3D( rayDirectionMapCoords.
x(), rayDirectionMapCoords.
y(), rayDirectionMapCoords.
z() / factory->mZValueScale );
288 double minDist = -1.;
289 const QList<QgsChunkNode *> activeNodes = this->activeNodes();
290 for ( QgsChunkNode *node : activeNodes )
292 const QgsChunkNodeId
id = node->tileId();
299 if ( !QgsRayCastingUtils::rayBoxIntersection( ray, nodeBbox ) )
302 std::unique_ptr<QgsPointCloudBlock> block( index.
nodeData( n, request ) );
309 const char *ptr = block->data();
312 int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, zOffset = 0;
316 for (
int i = 0; i < block->pointCount(); ++i )
319 QgsPointCloudAttribute::getPointXYZ( ptr, i, recordSize, xOffset, xType, yOffset, yType, zOffset, zType, blockScale, blockOffset, x, y, z );
324 QgsVector3D vectorToPoint = point - adjustedRayOrigin;
332 const QgsVector3D v1 = projPoint - adjustedRayOrigin;
335 if ( angle > limitAngle )
338 const double dist = rayOriginMapCoords.distance( point );
340 if ( minDist < 0 || dist < minDist )
351 pointAttr[QStringLiteral(
"X" )] = x;
352 pointAttr[QStringLiteral(
"Y" )] = y;
353 pointAttr[QStringLiteral(
"Z" )] = z;
355 const QgsVector3D worldPoint = factory->mRenderContext.mapToWorldCoordinates( point );
359 result.append( hit );
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
@ Replacement
When tile is refined then its children should be used in place of itself.
@ Reverse
Reverse/inverse transform (from destination to source)
static QgsAABB mapToWorldExtent(const QgsRectangle &extent, double zMin, double zMax, const QgsVector3D &mapOrigin)
Converts map extent to axis aligned bounding box in 3D world coordinates.
A 3-dimensional box composed of x, y, z coordinates.
double yMaximum() const
Returns the maximum y value.
bool intersects(const QgsBox3D &other) const
Returns true if box intersects with another box.
double xMinimum() const
Returns the minimum x value.
double zMaximum() const
Returns the maximum z value.
double xMaximum() const
Returns the maximum x value.
double zMinimum() const
Returns the minimum z value.
double yMinimum() const
Returns the minimum y value.
QgsPointCloudCategoryList getFilteredOutCategories() const
Gets the list of categories of the classification that should not be rendered.
Custom exception class for Coordinate Reference System related exceptions.
float pointSize() const
Returns the point size of the point cloud.
Collection of point cloud attributes.
int pointRecordSize() const
Returns total size of record.
const QgsPointCloudAttribute * find(const QString &attributeName, int &offset) const
Finds the attribute with the name.
QVector< QgsPointCloudAttribute > attributes() const
Returns all attributes.
Systems of unit measurement.
static void getPointXYZ(const char *ptr, int i, std::size_t pointRecordSize, int xOffset, QgsPointCloudAttribute::DataType xType, int yOffset, QgsPointCloudAttribute::DataType yType, int zOffset, QgsPointCloudAttribute::DataType zType, const QgsVector3D &indexScale, const QgsVector3D &indexOffset, double &x, double &y, double &z)
Retrieves the x, y, z values for the point at index i.
static QVariantMap getAttributeMap(const char *data, std::size_t recordOffset, const QgsPointCloudAttributeCollection &attributeCollection)
Retrieves all the attributes of a point.
DataType type() const
Returns the data type.
Smart pointer for QgsAbstractPointCloudIndex.
std::unique_ptr< QgsPointCloudBlock > nodeData(const QgsPointCloudNodeId &n, const QgsPointCloudRequest &request)
Returns node data block.
bool hasNode(const QgsPointCloudNodeId &id) const
Returns whether the octree contain given node.
QgsPointCloudAttributeCollection attributes() const
Returns all attributes that are stored in the file.
Represents a indexed point cloud node's position in octree.
Keeps metadata for indexed point cloud node.
float error() const
Returns node's error in map units (used to determine in whether the node has enough detail for the cu...
QgsBox3D bounds() const
Returns node's bounding cube in CRS coords.
Point cloud data request.
void setAttributes(const QgsPointCloudAttributeCollection &attributes)
Set attributes filter in the request.
Class for storage of 3D vectors similar to QVector3D, with the difference that it uses double precisi...
double y() const
Returns Y coordinate.
double z() const
Returns Z coordinate.
QVector3D toVector3D() const
Converts the current object to QVector3D.
static double dotProduct(const QgsVector3D &v1, const QgsVector3D &v2)
Returns the dot product of two vectors.
double x() const
Returns X coordinate.
void normalize()
Normalizes the current vector in place.
double length() const
Returns the length of the vector.
double ANALYSIS_EXPORT angle(QgsPoint *p1, QgsPoint *p2, QgsPoint *p3, QgsPoint *p4)
Calculates the angle between two segments (in 2 dimension, z-values are ignored)
#define QgsDebugMsgLevel(str, level)
#define QgsDebugError(str)
Helper struct to store ray casting parameters.
QSize screenSize
QSize of the 3d engine window.
bool singleResult
If set to true, only the closest point cloud hit will be returned (other entities always return only ...
Helper struct to store ray casting results.