55 void setTitle(
const QString &t ) { mTitle = t; }
62 QString
const {
return mTitle; }
void setLayerFontColor( const QColor &fontColor )
237 QSizeF symbolSize()
const {
return mSymbolSize;}
void setLineSpacing(
double s );
void setMmPerMapUnit(
double mmPerMapUnit )
void setUseAdvancedEffects(
bool use )
void setMapScale(
double scale )
void setMapUnitsPerPixel(
double mapUnitsPerPixel )
486 QStringList splitStringForWrapping( const QString &stringToSplt ) const;
492 void drawText( QPainter *p,
double x,
double y, const QString &text, const QFont &font ) const;
504 void drawText( QPainter *p, const QRectF &rect, const QString &text, const QFont &font, Qt::AlignmentFlag halignment = Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignmentFlag valignment = Qt::AlignTop,
int flags = Qt::TextWordWrap ) const;
507 QFont scaledFontPixelSize( const QFont &font ) const;
510 double pixelFontSize(
double pointSize ) const;
513 double textWidthMillimeters( const QFont &font, const QString &text ) const;
516 double fontHeightCharacterMM( const QFont &font, QChar
c ) const;
519 double fontAscentMillimeters( const QFont &font ) const;
522 double fontDescentMillimeters( const QFont &font ) const;
528 Qgis::LegendJsonRenderFlags jsonRenderFlags() const;
534 void setJsonRenderFlags( const
Qgis::LegendJsonRenderFlags &jsonRenderFlags );
541 Qt::AlignmentFlag mTitleAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft;
552 double mMaxSymbolSize = 0.0;
555 double mMinSymbolSize = 0.0;
558 QSizeF mWmsLegendSize;
561 bool mSynchronousLegendRequests = false;
564 double mLineSpacing = 1;
567 double mColumnSpace = 2;
570 int mColumnCount = 1;
573 bool mSplitLayer = false;
576 bool mEqualColumnWidth = false;
578 bool mRasterSymbolStroke = true;
579 QColor mRasterStrokeColor;
580 double mRasterStrokeWidth = 0.0;
585 double mMmPerMapUnit = 1;
588 bool mUseAdvancedEffects = true;
591 double mMapScale = 1;
597 Qt::AlignmentFlag mSymbolAlignment = Qt::AlignLeft;
600 Qgis::LegendJsonRenderFlags mJsonRenderFlags;
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
Component of legends which can be styled.
Expression contexts are used to encapsulate the parameters around which a QgsExpression should be eva...
The QgsLegendSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLege...
int columnCount() const
Returns the desired minimum number of columns to show in the legend.
void setSymbolAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
Sets the alignment for placement of legend symbols.
QString wrapChar() const
Returns the string used as a wrapping character.
void setWrapChar(const QString &t)
Sets a string to use as a wrapping character.
void setRasterStrokeColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
void setColumnSpace(double s)
Sets the margin space between adjacent columns (in millimeters).
QgsLegendStyle & rstyle(Qgis::LegendComponent s)
Returns modifiable reference to the style for a legend component.
void setTitle(const QString &t)
Sets the title for the legend, which will be rendered above all legend items.
bool drawRasterStroke() const
Returns whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items.
void setDrawRasterStroke(bool enabled)
Sets whether a stroke will be drawn around raster symbol items.
QSizeF wmsLegendSize() const
Returns the size (in millimeters) of WMS legend graphics shown in the legend.
double minimumSymbolSize() const
Returns the minimum symbol size (in mm).
double rasterStrokeWidth() const
Returns the stroke width (in millimeters) for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
void setColumnCount(int c)
Sets the desired minimum number of columns to show in the legend.
void setTitleAlignment(Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
Sets the alignment of the legend title.
void setStyle(Qgis::LegendComponent s, const QgsLegendStyle &style)
Sets the style for a legend component.
Qt::AlignmentFlag titleAlignment() const
Returns the alignment of the legend title.
double maximumSymbolSize() const
Returns the maximum symbol size (in mm).
QString title() const
Returns the title for the legend, which will be rendered above all legend items.
QColor rasterStrokeColor() const
Returns the stroke color for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED double lineSpacing() const
Returns the line spacing to use between lines of legend text.
void setSplitLayer(bool s)
Sets whether layer components can be split over multiple columns.
double columnSpace() const
Returns the margin space between adjacent columns (in millimeters).
QgsLegendStyle style(Qgis::LegendComponent s) const
Returns the style for a legend component.
void setEqualColumnWidth(bool s)
Sets whether all columns should have equal widths.
void setBoxSpace(double s)
Sets the legend box space (in millimeters), which is the empty margin around the inside of the legend...
void setSynchronousLegendRequests(bool b)
Sets whether to request legend graphics synchronously.
bool synchronousLegendRequests() const
Returns whether to request legend graphics synchronously.
double boxSpace() const
Returns the legend box space (in millimeters), which is the empty margin around the inside of the leg...
void setMaximumSymbolSize(double size)
Set the maximum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters).
bool splitLayer() const
Returns true if layer components can be split over multiple columns.
void setMinimumSymbolSize(double size)
Set the minimum symbol size for symbol (in millimeters).
void setRasterStrokeWidth(double width)
Sets the stroke width for the stroke drawn around raster symbol items.
Qt::AlignmentFlag symbolAlignment() const
Returns the alignment for placement of legend symbols.
bool equalColumnWidth() const
Returns true if all columns should have equal widths.
void setSymbolSize(QSizeF s)
Sets the default symbol size (in millimeters) used for legend items.
void setWmsLegendSize(QSizeF s)
Sets the desired size (in millimeters) of WMS legend graphics shown in the legend.
Contains detailed styling information relating to how a layout legend should be rendered.
Contains information about the context of a rendering operation.
As part of the API refactoring and improvements which landed in the Processing API was substantially reworked from the x version This was done in order to allow much of the underlying Processing framework to be ported into c