47 QString type()
const override {
return "line"; }
52 QList<
Qgis::GeometryType> compatibleGeometryTypes() const override;
53 void setDefaultPropertiesFromLayer( const
QgsVectorLayer *layer ) override;
56 Qgis::AltitudeClamping altitudeClamping()
const {
return mAltClamping; }
66 float width()
const {
return mWidth; }
68 void setWidth(
float width ) { mWidth = width; }
89 float offset()
const {
return mOffset; }
96 void setOffset(
float offset ) { mOffset = offset; }
131 float mOffset = 0.0f;
132 float mExtrusionHeight = 0.0f;
133 bool mRenderAsSimpleLines =
134 std::unique_ptr<QgsAbstractMaterialSettings> mMaterialSettings;
The Qgis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
Altitude clamping.
@ Absolute
Elevation is taken directly from feature and is independent of terrain height (final elevation = feat...
Altitude binding.
@ Centroid
Clamp just centroid of feature.
Entity that handles the exporting of 3D scene.
virtual bool exportGeometries(Qgs3DSceneExporter *exporter, Qt3DCore::QEntity *entity, const QString &objectNamePrefix) const
Exports the geometries contained within the hierarchy of entity.
virtual QgsAbstract3DSymbol * clone() const =0
Returns a new instance of the symbol with the same settings.
bool renderAsSimpleLines() const
Returns whether the renderer will render data with simple lines (otherwise it uses buffer)
void setAltitudeBinding(Qgis::AltitudeBinding altBinding)
Sets method that determines how altitude is bound to individual vertices.
void setOffset(float offset)
Sets vertical offset of the symbol (in map units)
Returns height (altitude) of the symbol (in map units)
float width() const
Returns width of the line symbol (in map units)
void setWidth(float width)
Sets width of the line symbol (in map units)
Qgis::AltitudeBinding altitudeBinding() const
Returns method that determines how altitude is bound to individual vertices.
void setExtrusionHeight(float extrusionHeight)
Sets extrusion height (in map units)
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setHeight(float height) SIP_DEPRECATED
Sets height (altitude) of the symbol (in map units)
~QgsLine3DSymbol() override
void setRenderAsSimpleLines(bool enabled)
Sets whether the renderer will render data with simple lines (otherwise it uses buffer)
float extrusionHeight() const
Returns extrusion height (in map units)
float offset() const
Returns vertical offset of the symbol (in map units)
void setAltitudeClamping(Qgis::AltitudeClamping altClamping)
Sets method that determines altitude (whether to clamp to feature to terrain)
The class is used as a container of context for various read/write operations on other objects.
Represents a vector layer which manages a vector based data sets.