19#include "moc_qgswmsparameters.cpp"
26#include <QRegularExpression>
64 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 ('%2') cannot be converted into a list of geometries" ).arg(
mName ),
toString() );
78 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 ('%2') cannot be converted into a rectangle" ).arg(
mName ),
toString() );
101 const QUrl url =
108 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 request error for %2" ).arg(
mName ), url.toString() );
148 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 ('%2') cannot be converted into a list of colors" ).arg(
mName ),
toString() );
162 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 ('%2') cannot be converted into a list of int" ).arg(
mName ),
toString() );
176 const QString msg = QString(
"%1 ('%2') cannot be converted into a list of float" ).arg(
mName ),
toString() );
203 const QMetaEnum metaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsWmsParameter::Name>() );
204 return metaEnum.valueToKey(
name );
209 const QMetaEnum metaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsWmsParameter::Name>() );
249 save( pIcLabelSpace );
252 save( pItFontFamily );
258 save( pItFontItalic );
264 save( pItFontColor );
267 save( pHighlightGeom );
270 save( pShowFeatureCount );
273 save( pHighlightSymbol );
276 save( pHighlightLabel );
279 save( pHighlightColor );
282 save( pHighlightFontSize );
285 save( pHighlightFontWeight );
288 save( pHighlightFont );
291 save( pHighlightBufferColor );
294 save( pHighlightBufferSize );
297 save( pLabelRotation );
300 save( pLabelDistance );
339 save( pShowRuleDetails );
372 save( pQueryLayers );
375 save( pFeatureCount );
381 save( pLayerFtFamily );
384 save( pLayerFtBold );
387 save( pLayerFtItalic );
390 save( pLayerFtSize );
393 save( pLayerFtColor );
423 save( pWmsPrecision );
426 save( pTransparent );
450 save( pWithGeometry );
456 save( pWithDisplayName );
468 save( pAddLayerGroups );
477 if ( it != mWmsParameters.constEnd() && !it->toString().isEmpty() )
479 const QString
sldBody = it->loadUrl();
489 return mWmsParameters.value( name );
494 auto it = mWmsParameters.find( name );
495 if ( it == mWmsParameters.end() )
503 bool QgsWmsParameters::loadParameter(
const QString &key,
const QString &value )
507 const thread_local QRegularExpression composerParamRegExp( QStringLiteral(
"^MAP\\d+:" ), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption );
508 if ( key.contains( composerParamRegExp ) )
510 const int mapId = QStringView { key }.mid( 3, key.indexOf(
':' ) - 3 ).toInt();
511 const QString theKey = key.mid( key.indexOf(
':' ) + 1 );
516 QgsWmsParameter param = mWmsParameters.value( name );
517 param.mValue =
518 param.mMapId = mapId;
520 if ( !param.isValid() )
534 auto it = mWmsParameters.find( name );
535 if ( it == mWmsParameters.end() )
536 it = mWmsParameters.insert( name, QgsWmsParameter() );
539 if ( !it->isValid() )
548 int separator = key.indexOf( QLatin1Char(
':' ) );
549 if ( separator >= 1 )
551 QString
id = key.left( separator );
552 QString param = key.right( key.length() - separator - 1 );
553 mExternalWMSParameters[id].insert( param,
value );
565 log( QStringLiteral(
"WMS Request parameters:" ) );
566 for (
auto it = mWmsParameters.constBegin(); it != mWmsParameters.constEnd(); ++it )
568 const QString
value = it->toString();
570 if ( !
value.isEmpty() )
574 if ( it->mMapId >= 0 )
576 name = QStringLiteral(
"%1:%2" ).arg( QString::number( it->mMapId ), name );
579 log( QStringLiteral(
" - %1 : %2" ).arg( name,
value ) );
584 log( QStringLiteral(
" - VERSION : %1" ).arg(
version() ) );
587 void QgsWmsParameters::save(
const QgsWmsParameter ¶meter,
bool multi )
591 mWmsParameters.insert( parameter.
mName, parameter );
595 mWmsParameters.replace( parameter.
mName, parameter );
622 if ( !srs.isEmpty() &&
crs.isEmpty() )
624 else if ( srs.isEmpty() && !
crs.isEmpty() )
626 else if ( !srs.isEmpty() && !
crs.isEmpty() )
703 version = QStringLiteral(
"1.3.0" );
707 if ( !
wmtver().isEmpty() )
713 version = QStringLiteral(
"1.3.0" );
723 version = QStringLiteral(
"1.1.1" );
727 version = QStringLiteral(
"1.3.0" );
738 if (
version().compare( QLatin1String(
"1.1.1" ) ) == 0
739 && req.compare( QLatin1String(
"capabilities" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
741 req = QStringLiteral(
"GetCapabilities" );
764 const QMetaEnum metaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsWmsParameters::Format>() );
765 return metaEnum.valueToKey(
format );
773 if ( fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"image/png" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"png" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
777 else if ( fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"jpg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
778 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"jpeg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
779 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"image/jpeg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
783 else if ( fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"image/svg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"image/svg+xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"svg" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
787 else if ( fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"application/pdf" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"pdf" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
791 else if ( fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"application/json" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fStr.compare( QLatin1String(
"json" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
813 if ( fStr.isEmpty() )
816 if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"text/xml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
818 else if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"text/html" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
820 else if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"text/plain" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
822 else if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"application/vnd.ogc.gml" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
824 else if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"application/json" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive )
825 || fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"application/geo+json" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
839 if ( fStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"application/vnd.ogc.gml/3" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
1163 font.fromString(
"" );
1179 font.fromString(
"" );
1401 const QStringList layersList { param.toStringList() };
1402 for (
const QString &layerName : std::as_const( layersList ) )
1404 if ( !result.contains( layerName ) )
1405 result.append( layerName );
1415 const QStringList layersList { param.toStringList() };
1416 for (
const QString &layerName : std::as_const( layersList ) )
1418 if ( !result.contains( layerName ) )
1419 result.append( layerName );
1434 return style << styles;
1437 QMultiMap<QString, QgsWmsParametersFilter> QgsWmsParameters::layerFilters(
const QStringList &layers )
1439 const QString nsWfs2 = QStringLiteral(
"http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0" );
1440 const QString prefixWfs2 = QStringLiteral(
"<fes:" );
1442 const QStringList rawFilters =
1443 QMultiMap<QString, QgsWmsParametersFilter>
1444 for (
int i = 0;
i < rawFilters.size();
i++ )
1446 const QString f = rawFilters[
1447 if ( f.startsWith( QLatin1Char(
'<' ) )
1448 && f.endsWith( QLatin1String(
"Filter>" ) )
1449 &&
i < layers.size() )
1456 if ( filter.
mFilter.contains( nsWfs2 )
1457 || filter.
mFilter.contains( prefixWfs2 ) )
1462 filters.insert( layers[
i], filter );
1464 else if ( !f.isEmpty() )
1468 const int colonIndex = f.indexOf(
':' );
1469 if ( colonIndex != -1 )
1471 const QString layers = f.section(
':', 0, 0 );
1472 const QString filter = f.section(
':', 1 );
1473 const QStringList layersList = layers.split(
',' );
1474 for (
const QString &layer : layersList )
1476 QgsWmsParametersFilter parametersFilter;
1477 parametersFilter.
mFilter = filter;
1479 filters.insert( layer, parametersFilter );
1485 raiseError( QStringLiteral(
"FILTER ('" ) + filterStr + QStringLiteral(
"') is not properly formatted" ) );
1494 bool force2D =
1495 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
1507 bool zeroWidth =
1508 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
1521 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
1538 const QMultiMap<QString, QgsWmsParametersFilter>
filters = layerFilters( layers );
1542 QMultiMap<QString, QString> layerSelections;
1543 for (
const QString &s : selection )
1545 const QStringList splits = s.split(
':' );
1546 if ( splits.size() == 2 )
1548 layerSelections.insert( splits[0], splits[1] );
1553 raiseError( QStringLiteral(
"SELECTION ('" ) + selStr + QStringLiteral(
"') is not properly formatted" ) );
1557 QList<QgsWmsParametersLayer> parameters;
1558 for (
int i = 0;
i < layers.size();
i++ )
1560 QString layer = layers[
1568 if ( isExternalLayer( layer ) )
1576 if (
i < styles.count() )
1579 if (
filters.contains( layer ) )
1581 auto it =
filters.find( layer );
1582 while ( it !=
filters.end() && it.key() == layer )
1584 param.
mFilter.append( it.value() );
1589 if ( layerSelections.contains( layer ) )
1591 QMultiMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
1592 it = layerSelections.constFind( layer );
1593 while ( it != layerSelections.constEnd() && it.key() == layer )
1601 parameters.append( param );
1609 QList<QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer> params;
1624 int nLayers = std::min( geoms.size(), slds.size() );
1625 for (
int i = 0;
i < nLayers;
i++ )
1628 param.
mName = QStringLiteral(
"highlight_" ) + QString::number(
i );
1630 param.
mSld = slds[
1632 if (
i < labels.count() )
1635 if (
i < colors.count() )
1638 if (
i < sizes.count() )
1641 if (
i < weights.count() )
1644 if (
i < fonts.count() )
1647 if (
i < bufferColors.count() )
1650 if (
i < bufferSizes.count() )
1653 if (
i < rotation.count() )
1656 if (
i < distance.count() )
1659 if (
i < hali.count() )
1662 if (
i < vali.count() )
1666 params.append( param );
1674 auto notExternalLayer = [](
const QString &name ) {
return !QgsWmsParameters::isExternalLayer( name ); };
1676 QList<QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer> externalLayers;
1679 QStringList::iterator rit = std::remove_if( layers.begin(), layers.end(), notExternalLayer );
1681 for ( QStringList::iterator it = layers.begin(); it != rit; ++it )
1683 externalLayers << externalLayerParameter( *it );
1686 return externalLayers;
1710 QString pMapId = QStringLiteral(
"MAP" ) + QString::number( mapId );
1737 double gridx( -1 ), gridy( -1 );
1751 if ( gridx != -1 && gridy != -1 )
1758 QStringList allLayers;
1768 for (
const auto &layer : std::as_const( allLayers ) )
1770 if ( isExternalLayer( layer ) )
1773 layers << extParam.
1788 QList<QgsWmsParametersLayer> lParams;
1789 for (
int i = 0;
i < layers.size();
i++ )
1791 QString layer = layers[
1795 if (
i < styles.count() )
1798 lParams.append( lParam );
1803 QList<QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer> hParams;
1805 QList<QgsGeometry> geoms;
1833 QList<QColor> colors;
1844 sizes = wmsParam.
false );
1851 weights = wmsParam.
false );
1854 QList<QColor> bufferColors;
1858 bufferColors = wmsParam.
false );
1861 QList<double> bufferSizes;
1868 QList<double> rotations;
1875 QList<double> distances;
1896 int nHLayers = std::min( geoms.size(), slds.size() );
1897 for (
int i = 0;
i < nHLayers;
i++ )
1900 hParam.
mName = pMapId + QStringLiteral(
"_highlight_" ) + QString::number(
i );
1902 hParam.
mSld = slds[
1904 if (
i < labels.count() )
1907 if (
i < colors.count() )
1910 if (
i < sizes.count() )
1913 if (
i < weights.count() )
1916 if (
i < fonts.count() )
1919 if (
i < bufferColors.count() )
1922 if (
i < bufferSizes.count() )
1925 if (
i < rotations.count() )
1928 if (
i < distances.count() )
1931 if (
i < halis.count() )
1934 if (
i < valis.count() )
1937 hParams.append( hParam );
1947 QString
id { layerId };
1949 for (
auto it = mExternalWMSParameters.cbegin(); it != mExternalWMSParameters.cend(); ++it )
1951 if ( it.key().compare(
id, Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
1958 if ( !mExternalWMSParameters.contains(
id ) )
1964 const QMap<QString, QString> ¶mMap = mExternalWMSParameters[id];
1965 QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator paramIt = paramMap.constBegin();
1966 for ( ; paramIt != paramMap.constEnd(); ++paramIt )
1968 QString paramName = paramIt.key().toLower();
1969 if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"layers" ) || paramName == QLatin1String(
"styles" ) || paramName == QLatin1String(
"opacities" ) )
1971 const QStringList values = paramIt.value().split(
',' );
1972 for (
const QString &
value : values )
1975 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"ignorereportedlayerextents" ) )
1977 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"IgnoreReportedLayerExtents" ), paramIt.value() );
1979 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"smoothpixmaptransform" ) )
1981 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"SmoothPixmapTransform" ), paramIt.value() );
1983 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"ignoregetmapurl" ) )
1985 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"IgnoreGetMapUrl" ), paramIt.value() );
1987 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"ignoregetfeatureinfourl" ) )
1989 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"IgnoreGetFeatureInfoUrl" ), paramIt.value() );
1991 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"ignoreaxisorientation" ) )
1993 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"IgnoreAxisOrientation" ), paramIt.value() );
1995 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"invertaxisorientation" ) )
1997 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"InvertAxisOrientation" ), paramIt.value() );
1999 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"dpimode" ) )
2001 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"dpiMode" ), paramIt.value() );
2003 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"stepwidth" ) )
2005 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"stepWidth" ), paramIt.value() );
2007 else if ( paramName == QLatin1String(
"stepheight" ) )
2009 wmsUri.
setParam( QStringLiteral(
"stepHeight" ), paramIt.value() );
2013 wmsUri.
setParam( paramName, paramIt.value() );
2033 if ( mStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"true" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || mStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"on" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || mStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"yes" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || mStr.startsWith( QLatin1Char(
'1' ) ) )
2043 if ( mStr.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"html_fi_only_maptip" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
2059 void QgsWmsParameters::log(
const QString &msg,
const char *file,
const char *function,
int line )
2064 void QgsWmsParameters::raiseError(
const QString &msg )
2069 QgsWmsParameter QgsWmsParameters::idParameter(
const QgsWmsParameter::Name name,
const int id )
2073 for (
const auto ¶m : mWmsParameters.values( name ) )
2075 if ( param.mMapId ==
id )
2084 QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer QgsWmsParameters::externalLayerParameter(
const QString &name )
2086 QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer param;
2095 bool QgsWmsParameters::isExternalLayer(
const QString &name )
2102 QStringList attributes;
2103 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
2116 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
2128 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
2141 const QMap<DxfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::DxfFormatOption>();
2151 if ( mode.compare( QLatin1String(
"SymbolLayerSymbology" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
2155 else if ( mode.compare( QLatin1String(
"FeatureSymbology" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
2165 QString codec = QStringLiteral(
"ISO-8859-1" );
2177 bool geospatialPdf =
2178 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2183 return geospatialPdf;
2188 bool forceVector =
2189 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2199 bool appendGeoref =
2200 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2205 return appendGeoref;
2210 bool simplify =
2211 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2221 bool exportMetadata =
2222 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2227 return exportMetadata;
2233 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2250 bool losslessCompression =
2251 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2256 return losslessCompression;
2261 bool disableTiledRaster =
2262 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2267 return disableTiledRaster;
2272 bool useIso32000 =
2273 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2289 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2299 QVector<qreal> scales;
2300 const QMap<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption, QString> options = formatOptions<QgsWmsParameters::PdfFormatOption>();
2304 for (
const QString &it : std::as_const( scaleList ) )
2307 qreal
scale = it.toDouble( &ok );
2310 scales.append(
scale );
2319 QMap<QString, QString> dimValues;
2320 const QMetaEnum pnMetaEnum( QMetaEnum::fromType<QgsMapLayerServerProperties::PredefinedWmsDimensionName>() );
2322 for (
const QString &key : unmanagedNames )
2324 if ( key.startsWith( QLatin1String(
"DIM_" ) ) )
2328 else if ( pnMetaEnum.keyToValue( key.toUpper().toStdString().c_str() ) != -1 )
@ Symbol
Symbol icon (excluding label)
@ Group
Legend group title.
@ Subgroup
Legend subgroup title.
@ SymbolLabel
Symbol label (excluding icon)
@ Info
Information message.
Options for rendering text.
@ PreferText
Render text as text objects, unless doing so results in rendering artifacts or poor quality rendering...
@ AlwaysOutlines
Always render text using path objects (AKA outlines/curves). This setting guarantees the best quality...
@ AlwaysText
Always render text as text objects. While this mode preserves text objects as text for post-processin...
Options for exporting features considering their symbology.
@ PerFeature
Keeps the number of features and export symbology per feature.
@ PerSymbolLayer
Exports one feature per symbol layer (considering symbol levels)
@ NoSymbology
Export only data.
Exception thrown in case of malformed request.
Class for storing the component parts of a RDBMS data source URI (e.g.
QByteArray encodedUri() const
Returns the complete encoded URI as a byte array.
void setParam(const QString &key, const QString &value)
Sets a generic parameter value on the URI.
static void setFontFamily(QFont &font, const QString &family)
Sets the family for a font object.
The QgsLegendSettings class stores the appearance and layout settings for legend drawing with QgsLege...
QgsLegendStyle & rstyle(Qgis::LegendComponent s)
Returns modifiable reference to the style for a legend component.
void setTitle(const QString &t)
Sets the title for the legend, which will be rendered above all legend items.
void setBoxSpace(double s)
Sets the legend box space (in millimeters), which is the empty margin around the inside of the legend...
void setSynchronousLegendRequests(bool b)
Sets whether to request legend graphics synchronously.
void setSymbolSize(QSizeF s)
Sets the default symbol size (in millimeters) used for legend items.
QgsTextFormat & textFormat()
Returns the text format used for rendering this legend component.
void setMargin(Side side, double margin)
Sets the margin (in mm) for the specified side of the component.
void setTextFormat(const QgsTextFormat &format)
Sets the text format used for rendering this legend component.
static void logMessage(const QString &message, const QString &tag=QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel level=Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, bool notifyUser=true, const char *file=__builtin_FILE(), const char *function=__builtin_FUNCTION(), int line=__builtin_LINE())
Adds a message to the log instance (and creates it if necessary).
A class to describe the version of a project.
A rectangle specified with double values.
Definition of a parameter with basic conversion methods.
QList< QColor > toColorList(bool &ok, char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of colors.
QString loadUrl(bool &ok) const
Loads the data associated to the parameter converted into an url.
QUrl toUrl(bool &ok) const
Converts the parameter into an url.
QList< int > toIntList(bool &ok, char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of integers.
QString toString(bool defaultValue=false) const
Converts the parameter into a string.
QStringList toStringList(char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of strings.
virtual bool isValid() const
Returns true if the parameter is valid, false otherwise.
QString typeName() const
Returns the type of the parameter as a string.
static void raiseError(const QString &msg)
Raises an exception in case of an invalid parameters.
int toInt(bool &ok) const
Converts the parameter into an integer.
QList< QgsGeometry > toGeomList(bool &ok, char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of geometries.
QColor toColor(bool &ok) const
Converts the parameter into a color.
double toDouble(bool &ok) const
Converts the parameter into a double.
QList< double > toDoubleList(bool &ok, char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of doubles.
QgsRectangle toRectangle(bool &ok) const
Converts the parameter into a rectangle.
QgsServerParameters provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate global parameters received from ...
virtual QString request() const
Returns REQUEST parameter as a string or an empty string if not defined.
QUrlQuery urlQuery() const
Returns a url query with underlying parameters.
QMap< QString, QString > mUnmanagedParameters
void load(const QUrlQuery &query)
Loads new parameters.
virtual QString version() const
Returns VERSION parameter as a string or an empty string if not defined.
QString value(const QString &key) const
Returns the value of a parameter.
void setColor(const QColor &color)
Sets the color that text will be rendered in.
static QgsTextFormat fromQFont(const QFont &font)
Returns a text format matching the settings from an input font.
@ QGIS_InvalidParameterValue
WMS parameter received from the client.
int toInt() const
Converts the parameter into an integer.
QList< QgsGeometry > toGeomList(const char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of geometries.
double toDouble() const
Converts the parameter into a double.
void raiseError() const
Raises an error in case of an invalid conversion.
QgsWmsParameter(const QgsWmsParameter::Name name=QgsWmsParameter::UNKNOWN, const QMetaType::Type type=QMetaType::Type::QString, const QVariant defaultValue=QVariant(""))
Constructor for QgsWmsParameter.
QList< double > toDoubleList(const char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of doubles.
QStringList toStyleList(const char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=false) const
Converts the parameter into a list of strings and keeps empty parts Default style value is an empty s...
Available parameters for WMS requests.
QUrl toUrl() const
Converts the parameter into an url.
bool isValid() const override
Returns true if the parameter is valid, false otherwise.
QString name() const
Returns the name of the parameter.
QgsRectangle toRectangle() const
Converts the parameter into a rectangle.
QList< int > toIntList(const char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of integers.
QColor toColor() const
Converts the parameter into a color.
QgsWmsParameter::Name mName
QList< QColor > toColorList(const char delimiter=',', bool skipEmptyParts=true) const
Converts the parameter into a list of colors.
QString loadUrl() const
Loads the data associated to the parameter converted into an url.
Provides an interface to retrieve and manipulate WMS parameters received from the client.
bool htmlInfoOnlyMapTip() const
Returns true if only maptip information is requested for HTML feature info response.
QString rule() const
Returns RULE parameter or an empty string if none is defined.
QString layerTitle() const
Returns LAYERTITLE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
double layerSpaceAsDouble() const
Returns LAYERSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
QString boxSpace() const
Returns BOXSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString wmsPrecision() const
Returns WMS_PRECISION parameter or an empty string if not defined.
double dxfScale() const
Returns the DXF SCALE parameter.
QString featureCount() const
Returns FEATURE_COUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined.
QFont layerFont() const
Returns the layer font (built thanks to the LAYERFONTFAMILY, LAYERFONTSIZE, LAYERFONTBOLD,...
QList< int > opacitiesAsInt() const
Returns the list of opacities found in OPACITIES parameter as integers.
bool transparentAsBool() const
Returns TRANSPARENT parameter as a bool or its default value if not defined.
QString transparent() const
Returns TRANSPARENT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QList< int > highlightLabelWeightAsInt() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELWEIGHT as a list of int.
QString iconLabelSpace() const
Returns ICONLABELSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString layerTitleSpace() const
Returns LAYERTITLESPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString x() const
Returns X parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString layerSpace() const
Returns LAYERSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
int wmsPrecisionAsInt() const
Returns WMS_PRECISION parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightLabelBufferSize() const
QStringList allLayersNickname() const
Returns nickname of layers found in LAYER and LAYERS parameters.
QString formatAsString() const
Returns FORMAT parameter as a string.
double layerFontSizeAsDouble() const
Returns LAYERFONTSIZE as a double.
QString externalWMSUri(const QString &id) const
Returns the external WMS uri.
QgsProjectVersion versionAsNumber() const
Returns VERSION parameter if defined or its default value.
QString scale() const
Returns SCALE parameter or an empty string if none is defined.
QString ruleLabel() const
Returns RULELABEL parameter or an empty string if none is defined.
double scaleAsDouble() const
Returns SCALE as a double.
bool layerFontItalicAsBool() const
Returns LAYERFONTITALIC as a boolean or its default value if not defined.
QgsWmsParametersComposerMap composerMapParameters(int mapId) const
Returns the requested parameters for a composer map parameter.
QgsRectangle bboxAsRectangle() const
Returns BBOX as a rectangle if defined and valid.
bool withGeometry() const
Returns if the client wants the feature info response with geometry information.
QStringList highlightLabelString() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSTRING as a list of string.
QString tiled() const
Returns TILED parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString layerFontSize() const
Returns LAYERFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QList< QColor > highlightLabelColorAsColor() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELCOLOR as a list of color.
bool itemFontBoldAsBool() const
Returns ITEMFONTBOLD as a boolean or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightLabelHorizontalAlignment() const
void set(QgsWmsParameter::Name name, const QVariant &value)
Sets a parameter value thanks to its name.
QString pointTolerance() const
Returns FI_POINT_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString filterGeom() const
Returns the filter geometry found in FILTER_GEOM parameter.
QString composerTemplate() const
Returns TEMPLATE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
Format infoFormat() const
Returns infoFormat.
QString dxfCodec() const
Returns the DXF CODEC parameter.
QString y() const
Returns Y parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString srcHeight() const
Returns SRCHEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
double dpiAsDouble() const
Returns DPI parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightLabelVerticalAlignment() const
void dump() const
Dumps parameters.
int pointToleranceAsInt() const
Returns FI_POINT_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
bool withMapTip() const
QString polygonTolerance() const
Returns FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QStringList highlightGeom() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_GEOM as a list of string in WKT.
QString i() const
Returns I parameter or an empty string if not defined.
bool pdfLosslessImageCompression() const
Returns true if images embedded in pdf must be compressed using a lossless algorithm.
QList< QColor > highlightLabelBufferColorAsColor() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERCOLOR as a list of colors.
QString request() const override
Returns REQUEST parameter as a string or an empty string if not defined.
double layerTitleSpaceAsDouble() const
Returns LAYERTITLESPACE as a double.
QList< QgsWmsParametersLayer > layersParameters() const
Returns parameters for each layer found in LAYER/LAYERS.
int lineToleranceAsInt() const
Returns FI_LINE_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
QList< double > highlightLabelBufferSizeAsFloat() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERSIZE as a list of float.
QString lineTolerance() const
Returns FI_LINE_TOLERANCE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
bool showFeatureCountAsBool() const
Returns SHOWFEATURECOUNT as a bool.
QStringList pdfExportMapThemes() const
Returns map themes for geospatial PDF export.
bool pdfUseOgcBestPracticeFormatGeoreferencing() const
Returns true if OGC best practice georeferencing shall be used.
QStringList highlightLabelColor() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELCOLOR as a list of string.
bool pdfExportMetadata() const
Returns true if metadata shall be added to the pdf.
bool versionIsValid(const QString version) const
Returns true if version is valid, false otherwise.
QString j() const
Returns J parameter or an empty string if not defined.
int xAsInt() const
Returns X parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QColor layerFontColorAsColor() const
Returns LAYERFONTCOLOR as a color or its defined value if not defined.
QString bbox() const
Returns BBOX if defined or an empty string.
Constructor for WMS parameters with default values only.
int heightAsInt() const
Returns HEIGHT parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightLabelWeight() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELWEIGHT as a list of string.
QString backgroundColor() const
Returns BGCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QStringList allStyles() const
Returns styles found in STYLE and STYLES parameters.
double symbolWidthAsDouble() const
Returns SYMBOLWIDTH as a double or its default value if not defined.
QColor backgroundColorAsColor() const
Returns BGCOLOR parameter as a QColor or its default value if not defined.
Format format() const
Returns format.
QgsWmsParameter operator[](QgsWmsParameter::Name name) const
Returns the parameter corresponding to name.
QString itemFontSize() const
Returns ITEMFONTSIZE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QStringList atlasPk() const
Returns the ATLAS_PK parameter.
QList< QgsGeometry > highlightGeomAsGeom() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_GEOM as a list of geometries.
QString layerFontFamily() const
Returns LAYERFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString withMapTipAsString() const
QList< QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer > highlightLayersParameters() const
Returns parameters for each highlight layer.
int iAsInt() const
Returns I parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightLabelBufferColor() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELBUFFERCOLOR as a list of string.
bool pdfAppendGeoreference() const
Returns true if georeference info shall be added to the pdf.
int polygonToleranceAsInt() const
Returns FI_POLYGON_TOLERANCE parameter as an integer.
bool ruleLabelAsBool() const
Returns RULELABEL as a bool.
QList< double > highlightLabelDistance() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABEL_DISTANCE as a list of double.
QList< int > highlightLabelSizeAsInt() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSIZE as a list of int An exception is raised if an invalid size is found.
int widthAsInt() const
Returns WIDTH parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QString sldBody() const
Returns SLD_body if defined or an empty string.
bool itemFontItalicAsBool() const
Returns ITEMFONTITALIC as a boolean or its default value if not defined.
bool pdfDisableTiledRasterRendering() const
Returns true if rasters shall be untiled in the pdf.
QColor itemFontColorAsColor() const
Returns ITEMFONTCOLOR as a color.
double itemFontSizeAsDouble() const
Returns ITEMFONTSIZE as a double.
QString layerFontColor() const
Returns LAYERFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString layoutParameter(const QString &id, bool &ok) const
Returns a layout parameter thanks to its id.
bool dxfUseLayerTitleAsName() const
Returns the DXF USE_TITLE_AS_LAYERNAME parameter.
QString symbolHeight() const
Returns SYMBOLHEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
int imageQualityAsInt() const
Returns IMAGE_QUALITY parameter as an integer.
bool pdfForceVectorOutput() const
Returns if pdf should be exported as vector.
bool writeGeospatialPdf() const
Returns if a geospatial PDF shall be exported.
bool pdfUseIso32000ExtensionFormatGeoreferencing() const
Returns true, if Iso32000 georeferencing shall be used.
QMap< QString, QString > dimensionValues() const
Returns the dimensions parameter.
QList< QgsWmsParametersExternalLayer > externalLayersParameters() const
Returns parameters for each external layer.
bool withDisplayName() const
int infoFormatVersion() const
Returns the infoFormat version for GML.
QString layerFontBold() const
Returns LAYERFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QgsLegendSettings legendSettings() const
Returns legend settings.
int srcHeightAsInt() const
Returns SRCHEIGHT parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QString symbolSpace() const
Returns SYMBOLSPACE parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString itemFontBold() const
Returns ITEMFONTBOLD parameter or an empty string if not defined.
double symbolSpaceAsDouble() const
Returns SYMBOLSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
QString infoFormatAsString() const
Returns INFO_FORMAT parameter as a string.
QStringList highlightLabelFont() const
Qgis::TextRenderFormat pdfTextRenderFormat() const
Returns text render format for pdf export.
QString wmtver() const
Returns WMTVER parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QStringList dxfLayerAttributes() const
Returns the DXF LAYERATTRIBUTES parameter.
QString srcWidth() const
Returns SRCWIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
Qgis::FeatureSymbologyExport dxfMode() const
Returns the DXF MODE parameter.
QStringList highlightLabelSize() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABELSIZE as a list of string.
QString imageQuality() const
Returns IMAGE_QUALITY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QList< double > highlightLabelRotation() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_LABEL_ROTATION as a list of double.
QString height() const
Returns HEIGHT parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString crs() const
Returns CRS or an empty string if none is defined.
bool showRuleDetailsAsBool() const
Returns SHOWRULEDETAILS as a bool.
QStringList selections() const
Returns the list of feature selection found in SELECTION parameter.
bool exportLinesWithZeroWidth() const
int featureCountAsInt() const
Returns FEATURE_COUNT as an integer.
int yAsInt() const
Returns Y parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
bool layerTitleAsBool() const
Returns LAYERTITLE as a bool or its default value if not defined.
QString itemFontColor() const
Returns ITEMFONTCOLOR parameter or an empty string if not defined.
double boxSpaceAsDouble() const
Returns BOXSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
bool addLayerGroups() const
Returns true if layer groups shall be added to GetLegendGraphic results.
QString symbolWidth() const
Returns SYMBOLWIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
bool tiledAsBool() const
Returns TILED parameter as a boolean.
Output format for the response.
QString width() const
Returns WIDTH parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QFont itemFont() const
Returns the item font (built thanks to the ITEMFONTFAMILY, ITEMFONTSIZE, ITEMFONTBOLD,...
QStringList opacities() const
Returns the list of opacities found in OPACITIES parameter.
QString version() const override
Returns VERSION parameter as a string or an empty string if not defined.
QString layerFontItalic() const
Returns LAYERFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString itemFontItalic() const
Returns ITEMFONTITALIC parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QStringList filters() const
Returns the list of filters found in FILTER parameter.
QString dpi() const
Returns DPI parameter or an empty string if not defined.
QString itemFontFamily() const
Returns ITEMFONTFAMILY parameter or an empty string if not defined.
int jAsInt() const
Returns J parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
QVector< qreal > pdfPredefinedMapScales() const
Returns list of map scales.
QString showFeatureCount() const
Returns SHOWFEATURECOUNT parameter or an empty string if none is defined.
bool pdfSimplifyGeometries() const
Returns if geometries shall to be simplified.
bool layerFontBoldAsBool() const
Returns LAYERFONTBOLD as a boolean or its default value if not defined.
double iconLabelSpaceAsDouble() const
Returns ICONLABELSPACE as a double or its default value if not defined.
QStringList highlightSymbol() const
Returns HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL as a list of string.
QStringList queryLayersNickname() const
Returns nickname of layers found in QUERY_LAYERS parameter.
double symbolHeightAsDouble() const
Returns SYMBOLHEIGHT as a double or its default value if not defined.
bool infoFormatIsImage() const
Checks if INFO_FORMAT parameter is one of the image formats (PNG, JPG).
int srcWidthAsInt() const
Returns SRCWIDTH parameter as an int or its default value if not defined.
Median cut implementation.
QList< QgsWmsParametersLayer > mLayers
QList< QgsWmsParametersHighlightLayer > mHighlightLayers
QgsWmsParametersFilter::Type mType
QgsOgcUtils::FilterVersion mVersion
QList< QgsWmsParametersFilter > mFilter